
Archive for April, 2019

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Malcolm Guite

the sun is on the rise

The Lord is Risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia!

For this Easter morning I am posting the fifteenth and final sonnet from my Stations of the Cross sequence, but also adding a new Easter poem, which takes the form of an Aubade, a traditional form, set as a dialogue between lovers and the break of day. I have taken a genre of secular love poetry and set it in a new, spiritually resonant key, imagining a dialogue between Christ and the Soul. This poem will appear in my next collection ‘After Prayer’ which is due out in the autumn. As the poem is also a dialogue between bride and groom, Maggie, my wife, has kindly read the bride’s part on the recording.

This sonnet, and the others I have been posting for Holy Week are all drawn from my collection Sounding the Seasons

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