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Malcolm Guite

the sun is on the rise

The Lord is Risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia!

For this Easter morning I am posting the fifteenth and final sonnet from my Stations of the Cross sequence, but also adding a new Easter poem, which takes the form of an Aubade, a traditional form, set as a dialogue between lovers and the break of day. I have taken a genre of secular love poetry and set it in a new, spiritually resonant key, imagining a dialogue between Christ and the Soul. This poem will appear in my next collection ‘After Prayer’ which is due out in the autumn. As the poem is also a dialogue between bride and groom, Maggie, my wife, has kindly read the bride’s part on the recording.

This sonnet, and the others I have been posting for Holy Week are all drawn from my collection Sounding the Seasons

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With Hurricane Irma on the horizon, we must keep the promise that God made with Noah and his descendants (i.e., us).  The new and everlasting covenant through, with and in Jesus Christ is what grounds us in difficult times.


It Must Be an R-G-B Year

There are so many logos going R-G-B as LED lighting moves firmly into the mainstream, it is hard to keep up.

A Google Search on: RGB Logo yields this screen capture

Theologically, and artistically

Red—JESUS Son  (Blood)
Green—HOLY SPIRIT (Peace and Fruitfulness)

Blue—ABBA Father (Sky/Ocean)

The firmament of heaven is the mysterious space that surrounds the throne of Almighty God and the living waters of eternity. It separates the earthly water from the heavenly water. It separates earth time from heavenly eternity.  It is the fabric of space-time.




Our God is an Awesome God

Penny’s…from Heaven


Just found this poem at the site of Penny McCoy, http://realpennymccoy.com/

I don’t think she would mind me sharing it with you.
